Something caught my eye in the optometrist’s office recently. Next to the magazines fanned neatly across the reception room table was a brochure that read, “Test your vision at home.”

mVT-app-eyetestThe notion of taking an eye exam with my smartphone was appealing since this was my first time getting my eyes tested in over fifteen years. I had laser surgery back in 2002 and have not had any trouble seeing since then. There’s nothing in particular that I dislike about optometrists, but given the choice to test my vision with a smartphone app or going to an office, I’d choose the app.

With a more detailed scan of the brochure cover, I learned that the mVT® App is cleared by the FDA to help detect deteriorating vision among people who are at risk of losing their eyesight.

Two key issues that can affect eyesight for people over the age of 50:

  1. Diabetic Retinopathy (DR)
  2. Age-related Macular Degeneration

Diabetic Retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness. It occurs when diabetes damages tiny blood vessels inside the retina.

Age-related Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 50. There are two types: dry AMD and wet AMD. Wet AMD tends to be more serious and occurs when those with Dry AMD develop abnormal blood vessels under the retina that leak blood and other fluids.

With routine testing, the mVT® App can help detect vision changes caused by either DR or AMD. Early detection can lead to sooner therapy and better potential outcome.

How does the mVT® App vision test work?

In order to install the app on your phone, you’ll need to get a prescription code from your eye doctor. Once you’ve installed the app on your phone, vision testing is simple and easy. Four shapes will appear on the screen at once. All you do is cover one eye at a time and tap the shape that looks most different.

mVT® App fast facts:

  • mVT is short for my Vision Track
  • Available for iOS and Android devices
  • Free to download
  • $8.95 per month subscription fee

Video demo of mVT App

The app maker recommends testing at least twice a week. It takes about two to three minutes per eye. Your eye doctor will be alerted of any vision changes detected, so that earlier assessment and treatment can be administered.

Technology is making the old-school eye chart a thing of the past. People over 50 are at greatest risk of blindness due to Diabetic Retinopathy or Age-related Macular Degeneration. Although the mVT® App is not a substitute for annual eye exams, when used regularly, it can alert your eye doctor of any changes in your vision and help you take corrective action quickly.

Disclosure: This is not a product endorsement. I have not tried this product and I am not being compensated for sharing information about it. I am sharing this information because I think my readers may find it interesting. If you are interested in the mVT App, please do your own research before deciding whether it is right for you.